

Lower Receiver Preorder for April / May

Allstar Tactical Forged Lo</p />
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Pre-Order Sales for the Next Batch of Lower Receivers

Allstar Tactical BRAVO SER</p />
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Let Me Re-Welcome You to the Site!

Let me be the first to re-welcome you to the Allstar Tactical website. Due to some technical difficulties, our website was deleted from the server in December, 2010.

Honoring A Local Hero

Today we got the chance to do a great thing for an even greater person. We are truly honored to call Tony DiPonzio our friend and be able to support him and our local law enforcement.

Welcome to the Allstar Tactical Website!

Welcome to our brand new website! It has been a long journey here making our website perfect and ready to launch. We are finally here! Take a look around and let us know what you think!

Allstar Tactical to Open Second Retail Location

AT Press Release

New Location For Headquarters & Retail Showroom

Rochester NY SWAT Team Chooses Allstar Tactical For Rifle Refresh Program

AT Pre</p />
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Backordered Products Update

Allstar White AT15

Out of the Office 7/14 - 18

Hey Guys & Gals!

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